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last day on earth1.6版本更新了哪些内容?last day on earth1.6版本进行了哪些更新?last day on earth1.6版本更新内容比较多,现在就让嗨客小编带玩家看一下吧!


last day on earth1.6版本更新公告 1.6版本更新内容一览图片1

Today’s Dev Blog we dedicate mostly to our community and less to the updates for the first time in a long period. There are not a lot of significant changes that’s why we’ll tell you what we have been doing recently.这段话就是说他们今天更新的比较少,但是谈论他们团队的一些最新的成果比较多。(也就是未来的一些更新内容)

last day on earth1.6版本更新公告 1.6版本更新内容一览图片2

The time has come to get your base under control. In the previous blog we promised to add a feature of recoloring home based boxes. We promised and here it is! Home based boxes can be recolored into 9 different colors. It will help to solve the issue with the mess and the search for the stuff “I don’t remember where it was left”. Also, your base will look a little bit more colourful :) 箱子涂色,就是正常的把基地弄的漂亮一些,不过涂色太tm贵了,一组可能涂几个就没了!This week we’ve payed much attention to reading your comments and have come to some conclusions. The zip-gun recipe will be changed. Probably, we’ll add some changes to the time given for mopping up the bunker. We are working on new locations, a bow will appear soon while you'll have to wait for Raiders a bit more.这段话是博文最重要的一条,首先说为什么这周更新内容少,原因是这周对全球各地玩家的评论看的比较多,然后得到了很多需要改进的地方,当然不可能一蹴而就,但是它会让游戏变得更加精彩。。。。接着就是接下来1.6版本的主要更新情报,第一个就是zip gun的材料可能会变得更加容易(太垃圾了所以要减少材料让新生玩家也能使用),第二点 地堡刷新时间会改,目测是改短 ,第三点很重要,他们会更新新地图,我的预测如果没错,应该是沼泽地。 第四点就是最开始说的本周本来要推出的弓箭因为bug延后了。(字数限制转158楼层!)

last day on earth1.6版本更新公告 1.6版本更新内容一览图片3

以上就是有关于“嗨客last day on earth1.6版本更新”的全部内容。






























